tv Mad Money CNBC October 7, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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>> great to be here at hq. >> fun, right? change of venue. >> fun spot. i think it's fun times in amazon these days. >> we had a fun time. we were talking about tattoos here. i love everybody here, it's a lot of fun. >> go to twitter, guy is --ndering where he should get his >> does anybody have jason. i love everybody here. it is a lot of fun. >> go to twitter. guy is wondering where to get his first ink. . my mission is simple, to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. ♪ ♪ hey. i'm kramer. welcome to "mad money." friends, i'm trying to save you money. my job, not just to entertain b. tweet me @jimcramer.
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wall street is addicted to trading. if you are a manager, you shouldn't listen. trading is a full-time job. even many hedge funds can't do it because trading is a hard way to make money. trust me. i did it for 14 years. they were lucrative but they were miserable. you see, wall street never stops the trading stuff though, especially on a day like today. dow makes 99 points, s&p is sinking 9.6%. today we had a ridiculous plethora of sell-side down grades. i want to go over some of the worst offenders because i believe they're hazardous to your wealth long term. i get that today was definitely ugly. long-term interest rates were higher. again, oil keeps climbing, all creating a level of calamity, no doubt. i won't pretend it was a good session today, not for a minute. i want to talk about how bad days like this bring out the down grades and magnify them. they can hurt anyone trying to
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be a long-term investor because they're giving short-term trading at vice without kouchg it that way. let me give you some of the more egregious examples. amazon by wells fargo. title, positive revision story on pause, reducing to equal weight. we get it. a lots of headwinds. the stock is up huge. since then it traded as high as 195 but 186 as of last week, it is time to sell. i'm not so sure. what do they fear? am don amazon spending a lot on a ton of initiatives, worries about walmart's impact. wait a second i say. how many times has amazon been up against headwinds? do you know how many times they've made inexplicable moves? it is nothing new. they always came back, it is in their dna. it always does. i remember a year and a half ago i was screaming because amazon web services was
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underperforming, came right back. the attempted assassination of donald trump led to a light sales quarter. it comes right back, it comes right back. i say knock yourself out and sell if you have to. let me ask you, did you sell amazon at 161 after the last supposedly bad quarter? how did it feel when the stock bounced to 195? once again i think it is a matter of time before amazon bounces back as usual. no hurry. stock does seem to be headed lower, i have no doubt about that. i get it. but sell to buy it lower? can you really get back in that? too hard. how about jeffries downgrading apple this morning? it seemed cogent. listen to this. quote, we like apple intelligence long term as apple is the only hardware-software integrated player that can leverage proprietary data to offer low-cost, personalized a.i. services. so good so far. then pivot. smartphone hardware needs rework before being capable of serious a.i., with likely timeline of
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2026-2027. end quote. jefferies claims the high expectations for iphone 16 and 17 and the multiple is near an all-time high. that's all true. apple is facing headwinds. it may not be ready, but this tells me what everybody else has been saying for weeks now. real issues for the 16. when everyone knows there are real issues though you will have a limited window to buy the stock after the expected post weakness. if you believe that, it means that you think tim cook's authorizing the sale of phones he knows are substandard. it is almost as though the entire history of apple refusing to issue hardware before its time never happened. i mean it is like you can't trust the. guy. it presumes that the service
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revenue screen grows margins bonanza. remember the chinese government training bazooka on inflated economy. apple has a ton of exposure to china, so that's huge. with all of the talk about the iphone disappointing does it matter that t-mobile told me personally sales are good. i think it should matter. should you buy apple at 226 and buy it back at 209 when it misses the quarter? is that the game plan? don't trade it, too hard otherwise. how about dupont. barclays liked this story all the way up. chapel trust name. carrying it. i wrote about it for the top ten if you get that. it is a terrific newsletter every single morning, it is free. why does barclays do this? why did they downgrade? it took it to sale after a nice run that you wouldn't have caught a penny if you listened to the analyst. you would be selling it right now before the three-way breakup masterminded by the chairman, one of the greatest breakup artists to play the game. i guess barclays doesn't think
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breed knows what he is doing. i would say buy dupont. analysts, he has been wrong. america's best. this morning jpmorgan downgrades asymmetric risk associated with stock trading near the high-end of its valuation range with limited upside to estimates. do you know how many times am ex was downgraded and off the canvas later? this is the premiere global credit card company in the world. you sell at nd you may miss a bigger bevy of points which is what i'm worry about. finally a piece by barclays downgrading from slowing growth and margin erosion. it makes it hard to justify. we have a whole piece on this later tonight. it sounds like i'm saying go
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against the down grades of one of the weakest banks. you can take it to a sell, i'm with you. i get you may want to downgrade homebuilders, there are a surplus of homes in florida. even though history says you shouldn't downgrade homes, but i get it. home prices are coming down which will knock down the stock. i look at the history of the incredible bull market, it is littered with buy, hold, sell, buy, hold, sell, scaring you out of stocks that may temporarily be too high but will recover later. if you listen to downgrades you will never recover with it and that's what i care about. bottom line, if it weren't for the steady downgrades of apple, can you imagine how much money you would have made over the years, or amazon? if you just ignore the bearish analysts, how much more money you would have made. at least no one said sell inveterans nvidia, but you know what? i bet after a day like today it is a matter of time.
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gary. >> hey, jim. i love you. >> thank you, buddy. >> today i'm calling about rtx. >> yeah. >> i took a small position, jim, last december. since then i've added to the position four times. i'm at 36% gain. now, i acquired rtx for diversification. there's lots of things i like about this, but, jim, it is at an all-time high and a beat for last four quarters but jim the analysts are not supporting the company at this time and it keeps going up. >> the analysts don't understand the company as well as you do. that's the problem. you have a better bead than the analysts. it hit an all-time high today, but you know what? it is not expensive, 2% yield. if you feel so inclined, you can try to cut the position back a little if it is too big for you, otherwise you hold on. it is a winner and there's nothing there that shows me it won't continue to be so. paul in minnesota. paul. >> cramer, you bald-headed beauty. >> thank you for that. >> i got a question for you.
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i been buying -- i been buying sofi from $9.5, sitting on 30,000 shares. i look as this as a home run hit and a $25 stock, but it doesn't move. am i naive, ignorant or just fatally optimistic? >> no, you are baffled as many people are because it is more of a technology stock, but people regard it as a rate stock. there are people who genuinely hate this company and has a very short position. how many times have i asked someone to come on and defend it and every time he does and every time he tells the cogent story. i'm not backing away. i like the stock. you can say, you know what? stock? you are soft on noto. check my report. we would be the first to agree it is not, noto has always been the case. a lot of times if you listen, stocks will end up recovering but without you. yes, they could go down, but then they go back up. my advice is don't let them go.
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on "mad money," i'm searching for stocks to bring you a try effective of good yield, growth and value. i'm revealing the sector where the top two live. then i have a battle of bull versus bear when it comes to one of your favorites, netflix, after two analysts drop conflicting reports. i'll give you my take. i'm checking on small business employment with a ceo and looking at the stock. stay with cramer. >> announcer: don't miss a second of "mad money." follow @jimcramer on x. have a question? tweet kramer. #madmentions. send an e-mail to or give us a call. miss something? head to it's t keep this world turning.
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it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. powering more businesses than anyone. powering possibilities. ref you suck! ref you suck! ref you suck! you blew the game for us! you just cost us the game! ...the worst call in the history of this sport. he should never be allowed to ref... (♪♪) ♪ i tell ya... ♪ (♪♪) ♪ how much i love you, love you, love you ♪ (♪♪) ♪ i believe. ♪ (♪♪) ♪ i believe. ♪ ♪ i believe in you. ♪
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we've made it through the historically difficult month of september, better than ever, which is great. except now weigh need to get done with the historically horrible month of october. last month we were bailed out by the fed's double rate cut, but there's no open market committee meeting this month and we just got a very strong labor report that's making wall street wonder if we will get another rate cut at the next meeting in november and interest rates flew today. tricky situation. more difficult with the average in spitting distance of all-time highs. something enthusiastic about new ideas at a moment like this, especially with earning season about to kick off end of the week. pepsico starts tomorrow, but there are stocks that can work in this environment, which is why we spent the weekend sorting through the s&p 500 searching for names that met three simple criteria. yield, earnings growth and value. i call it yev. first, we want stocks to offer better yield so you can get from
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the benchmark ten-year treasury which is a little over 4%. second one, outsize earnings growth meaning better than 14% growth wall street is expecting the s&p 500 as a whole next year. finally, we want value, meaning stocks cheaper than the sepp p s&p 500 than the aggregate. that's actually a very tough set of criteria but it gives us a list of nine yev names that i plan to unveil over the course of the week. i want you to think of them as the elite of the elite. not many companies can give high yields, cheap stocks and explosive earnings growth all at the same time. i'm going to start with the two with the highest yields, both of which are big commodity chemical plays. i'm talking about one with a 5.6% yield and dow with a 5.1%. these two chemical stocks have not been doing well but they're flat for the year, trailing the s&p 500 badly.
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lyb and dow deserve to be winners. they boom when the global economy booksms and lag behind when they're struggling. both were deteriorating, but then think about what happened in the past few weeks. first, the fed officially kicked off an easing cycle starting with the double rate cut and there's a consensus we will get several more before the fed is finished. wall street is expecting fed funds will be down to 3.5 to 3.75% by next june's meeting, down 125 basis points from where it stands right now. what matter though is the general direction it breaks in which means the fed is your friend. at moments like this the stocks tend to become big winners. if there's a time to buy commodities, it starts when the fed is cutting which is right now. >> hallelujah! >> that's announced the most aggressive stimulus put in place
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since the pandemic and for once china is putting money in people's pockets. they're finally taking action to bolster ailing economy which is good for their own companies and for worldwide. i think the companies feel interesting here. a couple of weeks ago analysts at jpmorgan published a note on the chemicals group saying they expect these to report weak third quarter reports. we're not expecting anything here. dow already preannounced light numbers at an industry conference last month but analysts went on to explain these stocks have been what we call de risked meaning the near-term earnings headwinds are baked into the share price. if you want to go past that and see further in the future though, dow and lyondellbasell should be coming down. it makes sense and jives with what we've heard from the ceo of dow when we had him on the show
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in july. listen to this. >> i think we need to see mortgage rates get to something with a five handle on them so that we can see people being able to get mortgages and able to move into the market. when that happens, the part of the business that's slow will pick up, both from construction and from the knock-on effects, ap appliances and other things that go into the housing market. >> bingo. that's the story here. of course, this was said a couple of months before dow had to issue a negative preannouncement, mostly because of the hurricane setting down preproduction. it caused the stock to hit a low for the year, but from 54 dollars and change, you expect it to happen during the rate cut season. it makes so much sense. everybody knows when the fed starts cutting rates it is time to buy the cyclicals, just as the commodity chemical places take longer to come alive.
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dow and lyondellbasell are hostage to the fed reserve. it means the stocks are more expensive and could be pushed downside. if like me you believe the fed will continue cutting, bond yields will come down too and around the world they will accelerate. then you have to pull the trigger. here is the bottom line in this quiet period before earnings season gets crazy, we have to serve for new ideas. these are ideas that represent the highest quality stocks for the current moment, the ones that fit the yev paradigm, yield, earnings growth and value. dow and lyondellbasell perfectly fit the bill. as chance would have it, they're exactly what the hedge fund playbook says to buy at this point in business cycle. keep watching this week and i will give you seven other names to pass the very exclusive yev test. "mad money" is back after the break. >> announcer: coming up, bulls, bears and binge watching. the five-star case for netflix
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happen like this morning when we got a genuine analyst gunfight over the stock on netflix. barclays downgraded the stock from equal weight to underweight. that's actually hold to sell. at the same time piper sandler upgraded from neutral to overweight. hold the buy. took the price target from 650 to 100. keep in mind, this is currently a $701 stock. i love the analysts face-offs because they help us pit the best arguments of the bulls against the bess arguments of the bears. it makes it easier to understand where you stand. let's start with a hit piece presented by the team of analysts at barclays. they argue and i quote, netflix's preem valuation is predicated on them being in the negative growth for some time, end quote. they think it is hard for the streaming giant to hit numbers. in fact, they argue even if netflix hits the revenue targets the current valuation assumes the company can more than double subscriber base. as i see it netflix is a slowing
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growth story that trades like a steady growth story. in their view while the company has levers to boost growth, these all come with serious trade-offs. in short, outsize growth barclays believes netflix will find it harder to keep delivering which is a problem. hard to justify a premium valuation if they can't maintain a double-dig it growth rate. they also argue netflix grew from pure subscription-based system to somebody more of a hybrid model investing in video games and live events and the margin of expansion will slow. it does sound pretty darn grim. >> the house of pain. >> what about the bull case for netflix presented by piper sandler? this is based on valuation. at the top of the note piper explains our prior mutual stance was centered around valuation but now we appreciate the company is expensive for a reason. then they continue, there are still levers to be pulled in the ads-free basis while the ads
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tier has been de risked, in direct to the downgrade. they say, consensus margins also could prove to be conservative in 2025 and 2026 based on incremental margins over the last few quarters. i like this. overall they see, quote, we see multiple scenarios to positive earnings revisions. good news. piper likes the upcoming slate. if you are curious, i was for the upcoming slate. what do we have? emily in paris, loves that one. coming out in september. jay paul versus mike tyson boxing match scheduled for november. the netflix games taking place at christmas. season two of "squid games" out in december. the arrival of wwe raw program starting next year. i can't wait for the nfl games at christmas and "squid games" season two. that's it from the list. don't take it from me. the piper sandler argues that netflix has levers to drive non-ad business, end quote.
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you can see they're lacking subscribers to comparison because the role of paid sharing roughly a year ago. they think there's room for subscriber growth. they claim they have more pricing power so they could generate double-digit growth without adding morepeople. do you think, by the way, you wouldn't notice? please, it is netflix. on top of that, the last time netflix reported they had incredibly inc. from advertisers, they approached the base carefully. they think there's room going forward. they can target ads better than anybody in the world. bottom line for piper sandler and part of the quote i find least effective is this. streaming now represents 41% of television viewing in the u.s. for august 2024, with netflix being 20% of the streaming time spent and 8% of overall tv viewing. look, frankly, if the pivot continues to streaming we have
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to expect the company will maintain its leadership position particularly as they add more live content. that's what they say. you know what? it is important to know we are still pivoting. that's what the firms are saying about netflix, but where do i come down? look, i will stay bullish on this stock like the last time i covered analysts' duel on netflix in april. since then it has grown 26% since we got bullish, nearly doubling the s&p 500 performance over the same period. let's talk about these arguments from both because they're important. i disagree with barclays assertion they can't hit the numbers. after 2022, they've beaten top-line expectations four straight quarter. more important, with their ad business now ramping plus additional revenue from paid sharing plans, the company has more optionality than ever when it doumscomes to how to hit the revenue targets. starting next year i think they
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can focus solely on hitting revenue expectations. how about the great margin debate? barclays is very negative and piper sandler argues even if netflix can't expand margins like this year, it doesn't mean they can't put out more gradual growth and we agree with that kind of thinking. finally, how about valuation? barclays argues that the stock's premium valuation requires the company to do certain things and piper sandler asserts it is expensive for a reason. i simply don't care. i wouldn't get hung up on the price earnings in this company. it never pointed in the right direction of the stock. what is more important is whether or not netflix makes the numbers. if the company beats the earnings expectations as it has in 10 of the last 12 quarters we don't need to worry about a stock's premium valuation. because the share price will look a lot cheaper from that respect. if the company kaent make the numbers the company has no reason to be expensive and will be hit. bottom line, until we hear anyone cancelling netflix subscription because of price or
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any troubles with the advertising business which we doesn't or the out of control cost of video or live events, none of which happened, netflix deserves the benefit of the doubt. i'm sticking with the bullish side of the trade. the bear pieces? i don't know, too hypothetical. to susan in california. susan. >> hey, man. great to hear your voice. i watch you every day. >> thank you, susan. thank you very much. what's up? >> i have one problem. years ago when disney was hot and you were promoting it because it looked good. >> yeah. >> it started dropping and, unfortunately, i didn't sell it. now i'm sitting for all of these years with a loss and sitting at 90 -- it has a lot of people on buys, but i'm thinking of selling it and putting it into a stock that may do the same thing that i did with paypal, by the way. i lost a lot on that, put it in nvidia figuring when invidia hits 200 i will be even. what is your thoughts on disney? >> i spoke with jeff marks about
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it this morning, he works with me on the trust. it has come down quite a bit, 18 times earnings. it is down today i think because of the storms. but you know what? disney is doing better than people realize and it is about time people started giving a little more respect. i'm a buyer of it. the analysts are dumping all over it now. i say buy more disney. let's go to julie in colorado beach. julie. >> mr. cramer, first-time caller, long-term listener and club member. thank you for giving individual investors like me the confidence to believe i can do this. i appreciate your education. >> that's what i want! i want you to be able to do it. i want to be here, but i know you will. you will do it right. let's go to work. >> my question is about dell. in an earlier "mad money," like early summer, they were named as a benefit series of the a.i. trend and predicted to enjoy great growth fuelled by expansion of sales of pcs needing upgrades to the cool stuff. since then a.i. has dumped about
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18%. i'm trying to be a good student of cramer university. >> right, right. >> my first thought is maybe the trend was just hype, i should do more homework. second thought was i jumped the gun and dell would be good long term but it will take more time. i'm noticing there's been a lot of insiders selling in the last month. i'm noticing that analysts are now supporting dell and calming for it to be a long-term investment. so in the portfolio that's already a bit tech heavy is dell a buy, a hold or a sell? >> julie, never bet against michael dell. i look at that stock every day and think if we didn't have so many other a.i.-related semiconductor and hardware names dell would be top of my list. michael dell is working very close with jenson wang to be able to make it so if you want to integrate nvidia into your operation, you go to michael dell. i think you should be going to michael dell and be a buyer of more stock in dell. joe in my home state of new
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jersey. joe. >> hello, mr. cramer. thank you very much for taking my call. >> always great to hear from you, joe. how can i help? >> i currently own visa and with visa set to acquire feature space, developer of a.i., should i add to my position? >> i don't think that -- look, it sells at 27 times earnings. i'm waiting for visa to come down at a discount. you don't have that. right now i have to tell you mastercard is doing better than visa, but, no, no need to add position on that. that's not the right basis. look, it is a great long-term stock and i think it always will be as long as this is as well run as it is now. all right. i think netflix people deserve the benefit of your doubt. that's why i'm sticking to the fuller side of the trade. by the way, i'm doing that with disney as you heard from the questioner. after last wednesday's 52-week high, then don't miss my breakdown of the state of specs. i'm looking closer at tricky timing, giving you stocks to add to your watch list.
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talk about easier investing. ♪ ♪ last week we got an important update on the state of small business in this country. the payroll processor and outsource human resources reported a strong quarter. top and bottom line beat the stock 5% in the single session. i'm used to the stock going down. more important, the number one payroll processor for small and medium size businesses, processing one out of 12 employees in the sector. let's check in to get sense of what is happening. welcome back to "mad money."
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>> jim. great to be back with you. >> john, you had so many good quarters. a lot of time the streets decides, you know what? not good enough and the stock goes up anyway a couple of days later. what are the chief drivers of what happened here? >> yeah, look, jim, i think we're off to a good start in the fiscal year. we just finished our first quarter and i think, look, we beat revenue andd earnings per share. adjusted earnings up 7% and continued to show good margin expansions, margins at 42%. i think the street was very happy with our continued progress. as you know, we're now in the post-pandemic era, a lot of the government programs like ertc that we've been working on, our clients are behind you, and we're executing our post-pandemic strategy and it is beginning to resonate with our clients. so our revenue contention continued at near record levels. quiet retention was better, which also indicates we have a stable small business environment. we actually saw hiring inside
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our client base, all three bases, our technology client base, our payroll client base and hr outsourcing client bases all showed growth. that was the second quarter in a row. i think it was a positive side about the underlying style of the economic situation we find ourselves in in small businesses. >> when i hear that i think to myself, why does the fed have to cut at all? i know some people started to think about that after the great employment number on friday, but rates still are high relative to where they -- where inflation is at this point, don't you think? >> well, i think this, jim. i think that the inflation side of it, when we look at our wages at a macro level, those have actually been under 3%, the three-month average, for five months. we continued to see that. i think inflation getting there. i think the fed had to begin to think about the cooling of the employment situation. when you look at it right now through the first nine months, we are still seeing moderate growth, but we did see some slowing in the last couple of quarters. one of the things we've seen as small businesses have struggled
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to find and attract quality employees. one of the things we've been focusing on is rolling out products and solutions to help them do that, like our paychex recruiting program. those things seem to be helping our clients find employees. >> now, there's something you said on the conference call i got confused about. you said that you noted on the earnings call, still have not heard the sonic boom of the pandemic in health care costs. that got me nervous. what are we talking about there? >> well, you know, jim, as you know we are the 30th largest insurance agency in the country and we're one of the largest hr outsourcing providers, and one of our business, our professional employer organizations, we actually help our clients source and provide affordable health care to their employees. one of the things that happened during the pandemic is we saw a lot of labor inflation in health care, as you know. well, a lot of those contracts are coming up for negotiation with the carriers, and now those
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rates are just beginning to see themselves pass through the health care system. so one of the things we see, a lot of our clients and a lot in the marketplace looking for, is really making sure they're figuring out ways to control their benefits costs going forward. >> okay. better. now i understand and don't feel so frightened. frankly, a bomb, i get worried. how about this? what regions are really doing well? the midwest is something that keeps defying what i thought would be, it continues to be strong. >> yeah, you are talking about our employment index, and as i stated, our employee index continues to see moderate growth across the country. what you do see now -- again, remember, we have 30 states continuing to grow. we have a concentration of states that seem to be struggling, and those struggles tend to be in the west, in the northeast. the south, which had been the historical kind of strong area during the pandemic, the midwest was right behind it. really, so far this year the
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midwest has taken the leadership position in terms of small business growth. >> okay. so what do you say, by the way, we have these terrible storms, what do you do for your clients that are obviously, you know, really -- really getting hit hard here? how do you reach out? what do do you do for them? >> yeah, jim, the first thing i want to do there is our hearts go out to the people in north carolina and georgia, south carolina, and still in parts of florida that are still recovering from the last hurricane. we enacted a very extensive business continuity plan. we reached out to our clients in advance, start to run their payrolls. we have an entire playbook we provided them on how to get in contact with their employees during the disaster and how to begin to reestablish and get back under it. so we already started that today for florida. we will be contacting all of our clients over the course -- it started this afternoon, into tomorrow, figuring out how we can help them prepare for what's
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ahead for them. so it has been kind of a one-two punch for our clients. we are also doing a lot of things to help our employees who have been impacted from this as well through our paychex cares program, and through our foundation we've given $50,000 to the american red cross to try to help those in need. >> well, that's good. i will tell you, you know, from what i'm reading and hearing about it, it is far worse than we seem to realize up here. i'm not saying we are not paying attention, it is just there are so much craziness around the world. we are not focused on our own country which is too bad. i'm glad to hear you are doing something about it because people don't know where their employees are and where the payroll will be and they need something stable. great quarter. good to have you on the show. >> thank you, jim. >> talk to you soon. "mad money" is back after the break. >> announcer: coming up, hit us with your best shot and be electrified. fast-fire "rapid round" is next.
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lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. trade brilliantly. ♪ ♪ it is time. buy, sell, by -- and then the lightning round is over. are you ready? lightning round, tony in florida. tony. >> jim, i just want to give a shout-out to your team who did wonderful, you know, even though couldn't get on friday. they got me with you today. i really appreciate what they do. >> that's fantastic. thank you. thank you for saying that. thank you. what's up? >> yeah, this stock i bought last month and i bought it -- i think almost a tie but thought
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it was going to break out but i don't see why cannot make it. it is a retail -- you know, a lease company, they have a lot of leases with everything in vegas, with caesar's, venetian, they even own -- >> probably some of the ranch, too. look, you got a 5% yield so better than treasuries. it is a well-run company. not going to set the world on fire but fun. let's go to chris in texas. chris. >> boo-yah, jim. >> what is happening? >> since i moved to dallas philadelphia has been my team and i love the eagles and i love the phillies. >> really? thank you for that. you're in a lonely outpost there. how can i help you? >> i owned z scaler over five years, had a nice profit. however, this year-to-date it is down about 22% and i'm wondering if it is time to sell.
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>> i think jay is doing an okay job. two winners in the sector, pal owe palo alto, i like that. let's go to guy. guy. >> how are you doing tonight? >> well. how are you? >> hanging in there, my friend. my question is about st micro electronics with a high of 51.27 this year and low of 27.45. >> right. >> i got in at the down point at $35 and i was curious what your thoughts on them were. >> i think it is fine. i prefer micron after the great quarter they just had it is still not getting respect it deserves. melissa in massachusetts. melissa. >> hi, jim. this is melissa from westfield state university. >> great. thank you. >> i have a question for an in-class assignment. i was wondering if it is worth investing in a couple of issues with crown castle.
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>> crown castle is just okay. it is not that well run, a decent yield of 5.6. i would not chase the stock. just had a nice move up. i don't want to be there. gabe in texas. gabe. >> hello, mr. cramer. how are you tonight? >> doing well. how about you? >> not bad, not bad. my question is about the stock s slb. >> it has not gone up near as much as i would expect. i would buy the stock right here. it is the best of breed. james in california. james. >> yo, boo-yah and go birds. >> go birds. yeah. uneven. >> i know you recommended this stock in the past, but with the pending class action lawsuit against the company and with the steep decline over the last year, is new fortress a buy under $9 a share? >> i'm shocked how low it is. he is so good. it is down something like three-quarters, down 75%.
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i think you have to stick with it. i have been wrong. i have been wrong on newport because i believe in west so closely. i would love him to come back on the show. to eric in michigan. eric. >> jim, i love the show. >> thank you, buddy. thank you. what is happening? >> i'm calling on rocket company. they've had a solid earnings in the past 12 months when rates were elevated. >> true. >> i know it had a strong run up in the past month, but with the fed cutting possibly two more times this year and into '25 and refinancing boom that's about to hit, can you see this stock going to $25 a share? >> that would not shock me. at 17 to 25, given exactly what you described, the answer would be absolutely i think you could do that. it is a well-run company. to jim in texas. jim. >> hey, how are you? long-time viewer. first-time caller. i have a position called tetro technologies,. >> you are a smart man because it is infrastructure and it is kicking butt. a lot of people wish they had that stock. you have done very well in finding that one.
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tetra tech is remarkable. even at 38 times earnings i got to tell you i see people still buying it. doesn't seem to slow them down. i would take a breather but it has been a great one. to tom in new york. tom. >> hello, jim. nice to talk to you again. >> same. what's up? >> okay. jim, i have a question for you. i know you are a dell guy. >> yes. >> but my question is on a less less known company, storage incorporated. >> i used to follow closely enterprise storage. it does its job well. it has had a good run and i would hold on tot. that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the lightning round. >> announcer: the lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. coming up, speculate like a pro. taking a flyer is okay, but do it the cramer way. next.
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if you are going to speculate, you need to do it like a pro, not an amateur. i've got nothing against speculation as long as you are smart about it. that means you need to know what you are actually doing, otherwise if things go south you will be caught playing a game of endless musical chairs. getting a huge number of lightning rounds about some sketchy outfits that among to what i call the hot money segment. the thing about the hot money segment it has a limited amount of capital devoted to it. not enough to go around. let's start with the chinese
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government who has created a situation where you can't lose for the moment. they are subsidizing stocks and that's how you had giant moves over there. the question is have you missed it? that's the key question when you are speculating. it could be asked when the buying took off in china after the government announced multiple stimulus packages. by the way, may not be done. if you want to speculate on chinese stocks up here it needs to be one yous can stick with if the market falters over there. only two i regard as safe for these purposes. one is alibaba, chinese amazon, and other the chinese google. al alibaba stills for 16 times. it is sitting on 107 billion in cash making it cheap. during the height of covid it traded at 319. even six years ago, the last heyday for chinese stocks it was 211. it is lucrative and safe. it hasn't gone anywhere if you
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look at the long term. many are tempted to buy chinese auto stocks because they have incredible ev technology but the ev markets are crowded. same with buying tee mu who may have problems with the u.s. next year. let me give you another one i get. nuclear power. i get so many nuclear question but the most obvious is constellation energy, profitable but not expensive. another good company would tell you that nuclear plants, even modern ones, are way off. you are buying a company that builds windmills, okay business, and natural gas power. natural gas power plant is a great business and very much in demand, but decidedly not nuclear. we can't tell which companies have more decommissioned nuclear plants to come back on line like the three mile island deal with
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one tower being commissioned by microsoft. they're unlikely beneficiaries of the surge in electrical demand although i will say any power producer with nukes might want to spin off like was done two years ago. people want space stock so badly with asc space mobile being the most popular. i think it is poor man's starlink. big insiders selling. no, thank you. no pure space i would trust in the space business. what can you do? finally, only so much hot money around the market. speculative stocks need to create with crypto. bitcoin and ethereum are the only ones to bounce back safely. most of the others are junk. i would not fool around with stocks associated with is meeting ent. by the way, both have exchange traded products supporting them. let me reiterate, i never blasted speculation on all of the years i have ton the show.
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i just want you to do it wisely because with any speculative trade there's a beginning and end point. for something like an alibaba is farther out than for some of the other red hot plays. i like to say there's always a bull market somewhere. i promise to try to find it for you just here on "mad money." i'm jim cramer. see you tomorrow. investment will face these sharks. if they hear a great idea, they'll invest their own money or fight each other for a deal. this is "shark tank." ♪♪ jared joyce, a serial inventor who's hoping to sell the sharks on one of his many ideas. this is going to be fun. my name is jared joyce. i'm an inventor/entrepreneur, and today, in exchange for $250,000,
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